Be Gone Baby Blues

Be Gone!

In collaboration between Orlando and Potent a series of educational DVD’s have been commissioned. This is the first of the series and is presented by Dr Sandra L Wheatley.

In Be Gone Baby Blues the facts about postnatal illness are outlined, focusing upon the baby blues and postnatal depression. Women who have survived postnatal illness talk honestly about their experiences. This DVD will be ideal for use by those who have contact with women who are pregnant or who have recently become a mother. To accompany the video will be a brief booklet describing the symptoms to look out for, how to assess those feelings and monitor recovery (with the Four Weekly Wheatley questionnaire), and what she and those close to her can be doing day-to-day to help her get well and stay well.

The second DVD in the series will be for health professionals in contact with expectant or new mothers, in particular, midwives and health visitors. The information will complement that required by the nursing curriculums for basic knowledge about the baby blues, postnatal depression and puerperal psychosis.

To obtain samples of the information pack about the series and to enquire about participating in the second DVD for Health Professionals contact